Spiritual Development, Energy Healing, Couple's Spiritual Healing Therapy, Hands on healer, private retreats, self improvement, weekend retreats, Southern Maine, Portsmouth, Portland, Maine
Individual, Couple's and Small-Group Lakeside Spiritual Retreats in southern Maine with Spiritual Intuitive Kristi Borst ~ Accelerated Healing, Inner Peace, Self Mastery and Empowerment, Intimacy and Long-Term Success!

Welcome to the heart of healing! I AM Kristi Borst (about me page), a natural-born spiritual energy healer living in southern Maine. Since reconnecting with my abilities in 2013, I have helped hundreds of clients release what no longer serves them and our collective Highest Good. It's time for us to step forward, own our LIGHT and change the world for the better, as and through ourSELVES! Uncovering, repatterning, healing and re-integrating the wounded aspects of self and beLIEfs that hold us back are at the center of my Perspective Reboot® spiritual energy healing session work.
My spiritual energy healing and soul empowerment process is called Perspective Reboot® because of the life-changing transformations and physical healings that my clients can experience in a mere hour* (please read client testimonials here). Imagine what can be accomplished given more time together, face-to-face, and heart-to-heart ... in my happy place on a beautiful lake in southern Maine. Apply HERE
My unique energy healing gifts, Knowings and healing resonance allow me to support my clients beyond this time and space. Each session is uniquely channeled for you so that you are catapulted forward toward CREATING what you DO WANT! This is accomplished in alignment with Our Highest Good via my sharing channeled messages, shifting stagnant energies and unprocessed trauma, and empowering and/or reconnecting your natural healing abilities and inner LIGHT!
Here are some reasons that people have connected with me for in-person and remote or distance Perspective Reboot® sessions, couple's work, and this wonderful lakeside Spiritual Retreat for Self Improvement, Expansion, Success in one's vibe, relationships, career, etc.
- Physical Healing
- Emotional Healing
- Spiritual Healing, Guidance and Clarity
- Karmic Clearing of Ancestral Debts and Pattern
- Self Mastery ~ Keys to See(zing) Opportunity Amid Challenge
- Increasing intimacy and long-term alignment within SELF and external relationships
- Inner Peace
- Rest and Recharge
In 2013 I received two very special gifts ... the first was the reMEMBERing (bringing back into my consious awareness and power) of my innate healing resonance and ability to channel Our Higher Realms for healing, reconnection, joy, light, LOVE. The second was finding a lakefront home on one of my husband's and my favorite lakes. It took us ten years of literal blood, sweat and tears to bring our diamond-in-the-rough to her current gleaming state. I am happy to share this space with those who seek my support in a focused yet multi-dimensional manner!
Healing Resonance llc with Kristi Borst is offering a handful of one-to-one and couple's healing and empowerment retreats during the Spring, Summer and Fall seasons. These half-day to multi-day programs with me will include DAILY focused Perspective Reboot® sessions based upon your goals. Additionally, we will be together for meals, fireside chats, time at the lake (boating, swimming, sunning ... your choice) or just vibing with nature and the magical energies held here.
Beyond mentoring, connection, healing and expansion, you will be held in a beautiful vibe which will help you integrate, balance and revision yourSELF. In my healing space, many reconnect with their childhood dreams, inner peace, and True Self energies/outlooks/passion.

After you've submitted your the online application and there seems to be a good fit, I will share images of the accommodations and the actual location of our spiritual energy-healing retreat.
Here are some of the ways my spiritual gifts and PRESENCE can support you ... inner-child healing and reconnection with critical aspects of SELF needed in loving, thriving, succeeding ... identification, repatterning and release of beLIEfs that hold you back ... messages from GOD/Source/All that Is that will help you understand and see(ze) the opportunity within current or recurrent obstacles and challenge ... creating opportunities for healing, trust, support within committed relationships by helping each partner understand and process their own self-sabotage patterns, triggers and walls that limit intimacy and long-term success ... finding and claiming one's purpose and inner peace.
Our time is NOW. There has never been a better time to step in a more loving, fulfilled, peaceful sense of SELF. I AM here to support you via these special Spiritual Retreats in southern Maine. Book your first session or fill out the Spiritual Awakening Retreat Questionnaire as a first-step toward your MORE AND BETTER!
"Kristi Healed Not Only My Body But Also a Long-Term, Deep Emotional Wound" Joan
My Healing Resonance llc and Perspective Reboot® process offers love-based, high-frequency integrative healing. Frequently my clients have not been helped by "traditional"/"modern medicine". Why focus soley on the physical when we are so much more than a body? The body is the vessel for spirit/energy/consciousness while we live here on Earth.
I am offering limited in-person retreat opportunities for one-to-one, small-group, and couples near Sanford, Acton, Shapleigh, Limerick, Maine. Location will be shared with you privately once we have agreed upon a date for your Spiritual Retreat Program!
Complete My Spiritual Energy Healing Retreat Questionnaire Today to Work with me in 2024!
"Thank You For Making A Life-Changing Difference for Me!" Joe
My natural abilities and capabilities include identification and transmutation of the mental/emotional/spiritual traumas and/or beliefs which are affecting my clients ability to feel well and/or be happy and empowered. I am happy to work with you toward your highest and best good. Pain is truly optional; getting to the root cause may be much easier than you have imagined or experienced previously. What will be required, however, is that you realize that some of the ways you have looked at yourself, past/present/future, have not been working, so change is in order and should be welcomed.
"During his time on earth Rev. Ron Roth healed thousands, perhaps even hundreds of thousands. He was known as one of the world's most gifted spiritual healers stemming from his profound connection to the Divine, which he called the Holy Spirit...You're very good. One of your specialties is Karmic clearing both for people and ancestorially...Karma has to go somewhere. We [healers] have to take that on. It's us connected to the Divine, so ultimately it's the Divine. That's a really sacred thing.
"There are a lot of people who can do readings or healings, but it takes a lot to move Karma...to transmute Karma takes a lot. And that's a sign of something special. Like, Ron Ross, you have that. Other people get sickly doing this work. With you, it's very clean. It just moves through you. I'm in admiration." Kerry Chinn, 10-year student of Ron Ross
*Disclaimer: Healing Resonance llc with Kristi Borst DOES NOT provide medical service and should not be used to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or psychological disorder. Please consult your licensed practitioner before utilizing any alternative medicine, natural healing, or behavioral repatterning modality. Kristi is a legally ordained Minister, Reiki Master and is certified in physio/spiritual massage (laying of the hands) by The Universal Light church. Her "healing resonance" and Perspective Reboot® Integrative Quantum-level Spiritual Healing and Energy Balancing support your body's natural healing and inner peace. Client testimonials conveyed verbally or on the web site do not constitute a warranty, guarantee or prediction of the outcome of an individual using Healing Resonance llc with Kristi Borst. "Through our session(s), it is likely conscious and unconscious thoughts, beLIEfs, and energetic blocks impeding your natural healing and/or well being will be our focus. The longest-held physical symptoms may not resolve first. As non-physcial aspects of self blocking natural healing and/or wellbeing will rise to the surface, we will process and transmute them together. I will teach you to work with your body, overcome the ego-mind and escape from 'old stories'. YOU are a key player in your healing process!" Love, Rev Kristi Borst, PhD
NEW OPPORTUINITY! INSTANT Phone or Chat Session for Healing or Spiritual Guidance
On-Demand Call and Chat services FAQs found here.
Personalized lakeside retreat in southern Maine with Kristi Borst are priced from $750 based upon length of time together, single or with partner attendance, and work requested as described on this Spiritual Retreat Applications. If you would like additional information before COMPLETING THE RETREAT QUESTIONNAIRE, please visit the Perspective making an appointmentReboot® Spiritual Guidance and Energy Healing FAQs page. If you don't find what answers your questions, You may also book the free Pre-Session Call here. OR send an email to me HERE (mouse over link to see email address address if you use browser-based email) or use my CONTACT FORM to send me an email question.
I spent many years separated from my TRUE SELF, my calling, that space in which I now thrive. As a child in a dystopian household, I took the path of least resistance in order to minimize physical and emotional pain. Yet, I was a child and didn't realize what I was giving up in that process. It was only years later that Spirit began calling me to look inside for the answers I now see hidden in plain sight. I offer this Knowing and guidance to you! Come ... release what no longer serves you and learn to BE! xo
As a member of the Hands On Trade Association, I affirm their Code of Ethics; more importantly, I align with the Love and Light of SOURCE/THE UNIVERSE/GOD to reconnect, empower, heal at the quantum level, beyond space and time! I AM a certified Usui Reiki Master, Mantra Reiki Master Teacher, and ONENESS Deeksha Blessing Giver. In addition, I AM a legally-ordained Minister providing hands-on spiritual healing ("physio/spiritual massage"). I AM also a registered member of the International Association of Behavioral Therapists and have my Doctorate of Philosophy (PhD) in Metaphysics. I have additional energy practitioner training in Quantum Touch, EMF Balancing Technique, and Sacred Geometries <3 Together with SOURCE, I AM co-creator of the Perspective Reboot® Spiritual Integrative Energy Healing and Intuitive Soul Reconnection modaility. In service, Kristi